Monday, February 17, 2014

Two paintings and one frame

The Martyr
9 x 12 in.
Oil on panel

Here is my Presidents day weekend project 2014:  My version of a 'Tabernacle' frame. I've have always liked the looks of this style of frame, thought mine is far from the craftsmanship and quality of a true Tabernacle frame. It is constructed of maple and painted black. I had this painting (The Martyr)  of mine in another frame and thought it might be a good candidate to try and make a Tabernacle frame for.  

Lanscape with red clouds
8 x 8 inches
Oil on canvas

A small landscape. My cel phone's camera doesn't seem to have good quality in close ups. It could be the operator and not the phone.

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Capuchin Nuns

The Capuchin Franciscan Reform of the Friars in the 1500's spread to the Sisters as well. 
Longing for a more true following of the Rule of St. Clare, the Capuchines was born. This is a painting in the works

Monday, February 3, 2014

ST. Filumena (Philomena)

The latest state of this painting. St. Filumena holds a flaming arrow.
Interesting story. After numerous tortures by the Roman Emperor Diocletian (who wanted her for her beauty of which she would not yield) she was put to face archers with flaming arrows. However, this young virgin Christian was yet  to confound the Emperor once again, for the arrows, upon release, returned from whence they came and struck the archers who fired them, killing them dead. Furious at this, Diocletian had her tied to an anchor and thrown into the Tiber. Marvel to behold! she rose up out of the depths of the water, unharmed and dry! He ordered her beheaded, which she was, and another martyr entered the company of Paradise.