Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our Lady of Kibeho

This is a book all men and women of all faiths must read. We all know of the horrific Rwandan Genocide that took place in 1994. The author of this book, Immaculee IIibagiza, has written of those terrible days from one who lived through them, hiding in a tiny bathroom with several other women for 90 days as outside the window she could hear her brothers and villagers being slaughtered one after another. That book, Left to Tell, is well know and loved by all.

This book, Our Lady of Kibeho, is about a time 10 years earlier when Our Lady Appeared to several children  in Rwanda with messages to give to the government, and all mankind - to let go of the hatred in ones heart. She foretold the Genocide that would come if men would not change and one of the visionaries was show it10 years before it happened!

It can be purchased many places. Available at Imaculee's web store HERE.To find it on Amazon, click HERE.

For further information online about this amazing story and the  children involved, You can start HERE

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